The passion for art and design has evolved into creativity and handicraft

Our adventure with the design and production of Corten decors and furniture resulted from a strong fascination with this material and our creative passion. We set up Corten Store to create something unique and aesthetic, to give people something other than mass products available on the market. We approach each product individually and with the greatest dedication. We value the originality of the projects and their message. Design is the real value, the other is this great corten features which make each of the product unique, not identical. We also focus on the highest quality workmanship.
We are both are landscape architects by education. Over the last several years we have designed various open spaces and landscapes and realized our projects as well.
When realizing one of our designs we came across corten steel and instantly got fascinated by this material. Its extremely interesting colors and structure struck us right away. Now, besides designing we also find pleasure in metalworking - every product, made even according to the same design, is unique and unrepeatable.
Over time, in addition to small architecture elements, we have also began to design and produce interior decorations.
In the work we complement each other. Although we both design and do a lot of other business issues, Piotr focuses mostly on metalworking whereas me on graphic and customer service. Our mutual trips and brainstorming result in décor designs that are later introduced into the real life..